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Brenda Thompson

Vancouver Island | British Columbia, CANADA 


Visual Artist ~ Photographer | Model | Film | Designer


On Facebook: Relative Peace Visual Art

Artistic Portfolio Link:


All copyrights ​© by BRENDA THOMPSON. 


Professional info


I am a team player! I play fair. Please contact me for a future perspective in development! I am a proactive visual artist who is extremely creative! I have worked on major peace projects following through with commitment, research, and presentation. I am always learning by Visual Communication Design.

Work experience


CONTRACT WORK. Photography. Current.
Project work including human portraiture, visual planning, professional development and design. Working with all walks of life in artistic direction in diverse projects please see my portfolio.

Design | Production Portfolio | Choreography 


I have worked with the Opera on many diverse levels of creative evolution. Creating the visual art on play's with harmony & revival of play art, to visual conceptual art, to large scale promotional advertising. Stage movement class, professional development & incorporation of of modern contemporary ballet in some of the artistic direction... it is all about being creative!


Visual Communication Design | Engineering Technologist


I have developed my internship with this opportunity to create proactive projects on diverse levels. Applying documentation photography in conjuction with the art of managing our visualization into true opportunity. Applying the value of peace in resolution and the practice of non-discrimination, in to proactive peace projects - assisting in communication design with the provincial governments.  



'PACE' Volunteer


I have worked on a project development called 'PACE' which helps kids to move on the stage of art in a meaningful way in context. This project includes creating a public awareness of social involvement into a diverse setting of creative learning.



Artistic Culture, Professional Development


Productions | Film | Design


North Pole Santa photo's with Giggle Booth, Victoria, BC


Documentary Photography

Mentourship Program with The Edmonton Opera


Human Portraiture 

Relative Peace Visual Art

Alberta Transportation

The United Nations Foundation

The Edmonton Opera

The Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue Team

Best Home Magazine

Parlour Magazine


Hot Bikram Yoga

Quantum Yoga Studio


Archer Gallery



The Globe & Mail

The Times Colonist, Victoria

The Hospice Society

Mediashaker, Web Design

Vandesign, Web Advertising

The Edmonton City Fire Fighters

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Action Plan

The Environmental Farm Plan/CA

'PACE' for kids Theatre

Spring Lake Ranch Development


Oxygen Productions

The Walk of Nations









2010 - present

2010 - present



Grant MacEwan University | Advanced Diploma & MA in Visual Communication Design | Major in Performance Art, Design & Photography


Engineering Internship | Opera Internship


Therapeutic Art Life Coach Certificate 2020


Camosun College - Visual Art | Extensive Travel Photography | Casablanca's Modeling/Actress | Theatre & Modern Dance | Performing & Healing Arts



ASIA. Martial Art.

2000 - present


I have worked with many aspects of martial art. Extensive meditation, creative visualization, energy balance, transformation and movement techniques. 



Time Travel Art

Research Engineer


To start up a project with us or to set up an appointment with me, please contact me today!!!

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